ACS Show Point Schedule & Definitions
Champion Cockatiel
Any cockatiel that has gained a total of 50 (now required as of Jan 1, 2016) points from 3 or more open cockatiel shows and judged by 3 or more different A.C.S. Panel Judges. Requires a Best in Show win.
Grand Champion Cockatiel
Any cockatiel that has gained a total of 75 points in four or more cockatiel shows judged by four or more different ACS panel judges. Included in this must be two Best in Show placements or above, judged by two different ACS Panel Judges.
ACS Hall of Fame and Supreme Hall of Fame (new in 2016)
1. All ACS birds currently listed under the HOF status each year in the magazine will be “grandfathered” into Hall of Fame status.
2. In order for an ACS bird to compete to achieve Hall of Fame and/or Supreme Hall of Fame status, they must have achieved Grand Champion status first (75 points and 2 major show wins under 2 different judges). Once a bird has met the criteria of a Grand Champion, the bird will continue to compete in section 9, “All Grand Champions”. As the bird accumulates points in this class, these points will go toward Hall of Fame and Supreme Hall of Fame.
3. In order for a bird to qualify for Hall of Fame, the bird must accumulate at least 75 additional points over and above the points earned prior to becoming a Grand Champion and win 1 best in show in a major show.
4. In order for a bird to qualify for Supreme Hall of Fame, the bird must accumulate at least 125 additional points over and above the points earned prior to becoming a Grand Champion and win 1 additional best in show in a major show under a different judge from the judge for the Hall of Fame.
5. Once a bird achieves Hall of Fame, the point’s registrar will present the owner with a Certificate of Achievement similar to what is given for Champion and Grand Champion, at the Specialty Show or if the owner is not present, it will be mailed. The bird will be so listed in the magazine.
6. Once a bird achieves Supreme Hall of Fame, the President will present the owner/exhibitor with an award procured by the VP of Exhibition with the following designation: ACS standard, American Cockatiel Society Supreme Hall of Fame, bird band number and exhibitor. This award will be presented at the Specialty Show or if the owner is not present mailed to the owner.
Show Point Schedule
In order for points to be awarded, there must be a minimum of 20 cockatiels entered in the show and a minimum of 4 exhibitors.
To be credited points, a cockatiel must be closed-banded with a single, coded, traceable metal band. It may not be double banded. Exception: states that require a cockatiel to be banded with a state band.
New Points Schedule